Santa Cruz County, Central California Coast


Board Members

Board Minutes

Featured Garden

By Laws





Next Board meeting & Potluck
Monday, July 22nd, 2024
6:00 pm Garden Tour
6:30 Potluck & Meeting
at Lise Bixler's
92 Country Estates
Santa Cruz (Bonny Doon)
Next General meeting:
with Succulent Sundaes
Thursday, July 11th, 7PM
Aptos Grange
 2555 Mar Vista, Aptos
Stay safe and go Into the Garden!


The Gardeners' Club "Into the Garden" newsletter has information about upcoming local events and helpful gardening techniques.  

2024 July Newletter
2024 June Newsletter
2024 May Newsletter
2024 April Newsletter
2024 March Newsletter
2024 February Newsletter
2024 January Newsletter

Newsletter Archives:

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010


About the Board Meeting Minutes

All board meetings start at 6pm, ending between 7:30 and 8 PM. There are no Board meetings in December and February, otherwise, the meeting date is the 4th Monday in each month (note... not necessarily the LAST Monday). Our main task as a Board is to have the 7-9 PM monthly Gardeners Club meetings run smoothly.

We're somewhat informal, liking to spend time in gardens at meetings held during Daylight Savings months.  As further incentive for members to host a board meeting, we showcase their gardens in the Featured Garden section of our website.

During our meetings we try to stay on topic as much as possible, following an agenda. There should always be time to introduce new topics, but it is often necessary to put off decision making until something specific is formulated/researched and put to the Board. The general membership needs to be presented with information and have time to offer suggestions as well. Often, when the Board meeting minutes are read, there is a mention of a "discussion" on a topic, and that's a good time to have the topic brought up to the membership. Another way for issues to be brought to the attention of members is in the newsletter.

Gardeners’ Club Board meeting 6/24/2024
Hosted by Lupe Allen

Board Members: 
(President) Cherry Thompson
(Vice President) vacant
(Secretary) April Barclay
(Treasurer) vacant
(Membership) Suzanne Caron (not present)
(Hospitality) Joanna Hall
(Newsletter) Lise Bixler (not present)
(Plant Table) Lupe Allen
(Plant Table) Evelyn Zhovreboff
(Refreshments) Marge Gregory
(Member at large) Debbie Kindle (not present)

Lupe Allen hosted the June meeting of the board. We had an extensive tour of her ever enlarging garden. Lupe makes wonderful use of garden art. This was followed by a pot luck dinner.

Per Cherry: Our checking balance is currently $4161.05. Rent of $88 was paid to the grange. The May plant exchange income was $40.75. We received $90 from memberships and $110 in donations

We had 14 attendees at the last meeting.

Suzanne reports that we currently have 87 paid members. We will be dropping the unpaid from the newsletter circulation list.

The July meeting will be the annual Ice Cream Social. Cherry distributed empty glasses to the board to make the door prize succulent sundaes.

We are thinking of doing a succulent dish garden planting for the August meeting. We will provide potting mix and starts. Lise has volunteered to speak for the September meeting.
She will cover what worked and what didn’t in her garden with similar input from the board members for their gardens. Nice idea!

The next board meeting to be held July 22nd will be held at the home of Lisa Bixler, Boulder Creek. The meeting will start at 6pm with a garden tour.. All are welcome to attend