Next Board meeting & Potluck Monday, February 24th
2025 Location Marge Gregory's
129 Ramada Ln, Aptos
Next General meeting: Demo on Rain Barrels by Bill
Schwartz Thursday February13th, 2024 Aptos Grange 2555 Mar Vista, Aptos
Stay safe and go Into the Garden!
About the Board Meeting Minutes
All board meetings start at 6pm, ending between 7:30 and 8 PM. There are no
Board meetings in December and February, otherwise, the meeting date is
the 4th Monday in each month (note... not necessarily the LAST Monday).
Our main task as a Board is to have the 7-9 PM monthly Gardeners Club
meetings run smoothly.
We're somewhat informal, liking to spend time in gardens at meetings held
during Daylight Savings months. As further incentive for members to
host a board meeting, we showcase their gardens in the Featured Garden
section of our website.
During our meetings we try to stay on topic as much as possible, following an agenda. There
should always be time to introduce new topics, but it is often necessary
to put off decision making until something specific is
formulated/researched and put to the Board. The general membership needs
to be presented with information and have time to offer suggestions as
well. Often, when the Board meeting minutes are read, there is a mention
of a "discussion" on a topic, and that's a good time to have the topic
brought up to the membership. Another way for issues to be brought to the
attention of members is in the newsletter.
Gardeners’ Club Board meeting 10/28/2024
Hosted by Lupe Allen
Board Members:
(President) Cherry Thompson
(Vice President) vacant
(Secretary) April Barclay
(Treasurer) vacant
(Membership) Suzanne Caron
(Hospitality) Joanna Hall
(Newsletter) Lise Bixler (not present)
(Plant Table) Lupe Allen
(Plant Table) Evelyn Zhovreboff
(Refreshments) Marge Gregory
(Members at large) Debbie Kindle (not present)
(Guest) Nan Blair
Lupe Allen hosted the October board meeting. We toured Lupe’s lovely
garden and marvelled at all of her extensive and creative Halloween
decorations. This was followed by a pot luck meal.
Per Cherry: Our checking balance is currently $3786.20. Rent of $88 was
paid to the grange. The October plant exchange income was $143.50. We also
received $20 in membership dues. $91.92 was given to Suzanne for printer
toner covering July to December 2024.
We had 30 attendees at the last meeting.
Suzanne reports that we currently have 90 paid members. 17 of those have
requested paper newsletters mailed to their homes. These each cost $20-24
for the print and mailing cost. There was extensive discussion around
charging these members a surcharge. We are increasing our membership dues
to $20 this coming year, so this was tabled.
There was discussion around changing the value of plant tickets for the
plant exchange and likewise changing the amounts of tickets charged for
plants. This was agreed upon, but it was decided to postpone the changes
till the Spring plant exchange since it is so close to the current sale.
Suzanne will work on the necessary computer files.
We discussed speakers for the November and upcoming meetings. Names
discussed included: Dave Somerton – Drip irrigation (November?)
Bill Schwartz – Rain Barrels Demo (February?)
January, perhaps garden books and journals.
The next board meeting to be held the fourth Monday ofJanuary 2025. We are
canceling the November board meeting because of its proximity to
Thanksgiving, and historically do not have a December board meeting. Rita
Ramirez has volunteered to host a future board meeting.