The Garderners' Club By Laws
The Gardeners' Club
Article I
The name of the organization shall be The Gardeners’ Club.
Article II
The primary purpose of this organization shall be the
betterment of the conditions of those engaged in agricultural
horticultural pursuits, the improvement of the grade of their products,
and the development of a higher degree of efficiency.
Article III
The Gardeners’ Club shall be non-profit.
1. After a suitable amount as determined by the Executive
Committee and Board of Directors has been set aside to cover emergency
expenditures, any additional income over the expenses may be expended
toward the assistance of non-profit organizations or worthy community
activities judged non-profit.
2. No part of the net income of this club shall ever inure
to or for the benefit of or be distributable to the members, trustees,
officers or other private persons, except that the club shall be empowered
to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, and to make payments
and distributions in furtherance of the exact purpose for which it was
3. Upon the dissolution of the club, after paying or
adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the club, the
remaining assets shall be distributed to a profit fund, foundation or
organization which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable,
agricultural, horticultural or scientific purposes, and which had
established its Tax Exempt Status under Section 501 © of the Internal
Revenue Code.
4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the club shall
not carry on any other enterprises not permitted to be carried out by an
organization exempt from Federal Income Taxes under Section 501 c) of the
Federal Revenue Code of 1954.
Article IV
The club governing board shall consist of the officers and
the board of directors.
1. The Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) members, one of which
shall be the immediate past president.
2. The officers shall be President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer.
3. The governing board shall appoint the editor of the
Article V
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the membership present at any regular meeting of the club.
The Gardeners’ Club
Article I. Fulfilling Purpose
1. The club shall fulfill its purposes, as set forth in its constitution,
by instructing its members in meetings to each of which the general public
is actively urged to attend, on horticultural subjects, and by stimulating
interest in the beautification of its geographical area by collecting and
disseminating information and materials related to growing flowers and
other agricultural pursuits.
2. In furtherance of its purposes, it shall hold regular monthly meetings
devoted exclusively to horticultural education, primarily through speakers
and discussions on the cultivation of one or another type flower or fruit,
as to which those leading the discussions are expert, though perhaps
amateur and engaging in other activities related to agricultural
3. To provide a place where members may donate seeds, bulbs, cuttings,
plants or produce they have grown, for others to buy at a nominal fee
which the club shall retain as a source of the modest income required to
cover its rent, postage and other expenses.
4. To organize public plant or flower shows, or to take part as an
Association in such shows, either selling or not the exhibits presented,
for the benefit of the club.
5. To assist others in the area through donation of funds or other active
help, in promoting educational or other agricultural or horticultural
projects, or for the beautification of community gardens.
6. To edit a monthly newsletter, announcing lectures, giving instructions
for the activities of the month and in general reporting on subjects
relating to agriculture or horticulture.
Article II. The members of the governing board named in Article IV, A and
B of the constitution of this club, shall be elected for a term of one (1)
year, which shall start at the beginning of the calendar year.
Article III. Duties of Officers, Directors and Members
President: The president shall prepare an agenda for each membership
meeting and preside at the meetings. The president shall call board of
directors’ meetings as necessary and appoint committees to carry out the
duties necessary for the efficient functioning of this club. In the
absence of the treasurer, the president shall sign the checks.
Vice President: In the absence of the president, the vice president will
prepare a meeting agenda and preside at the meeting and be responsible for
programs or appoint a committee to do so.
Secretary: The secretary shall record the minutes of membership and
directors’ meetings and read them at the meetings for approval.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall collect all monies from sales table and
plant sales, deposit them in a proper financial institution and keep an
accurate set of records, reporting all income, expenditures and account
balances at each meeting. The treasurer shall pay all bills as properly
presented and approved and prepare a year-end statement. The treasurer
shall sign all checks and shall prepare necessary tax reporting forms and
forward to the proper agency.
Directors: Each director will carry out duties as assigned by the
president and make recommendations on ways to improve the club and promote
community relations.
Members: The members are responsible for attending meetings, supporting
the officers and directors, participating in club activities and events.
Article IV. A person may become a member of The Gardeners’ Club by paying
the annual dues of $12.00.
Article V. Each member is expected to bring plants or flowers, donating
them to the club plant table for the club benefit. It is not required that
flowers or plants brought for show be sold.
Article VI. The president shall appoint in the month of October a three
(3) member nominating committee. Said committee shall report a slate at
the November meeting, at which time the election will take place.
Article VII. The elected officers shall normally approve club operating
expenditures. Expenses for club projects shall be approved by the
governing board and voted on by club membership before being incurred.
Article VIII. All bank checks and savings withdrawal forms shall require
the signature of one (1) club officer, either treasurer or president.
Article IX. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of membership
present at any regular meeting of the club.